Thursday, December 16, 2010

Embrasser le soleil

'i ran away into the woods the other day....and decided to lose my head...i ran around with the the gnomes and fairies and i loved the color red. i could see the tiny ferns nd the green lichens along the trees..i felt the wind along my skin and the clouds lifting up my knees...i understand the beauty in nature and the wildness in my school they wanted to wash it away but i decided it was something that to had to stay. i thought of you in that land of lost while bathing in the lime green moss. acorns and pearls and purple glass veins of leaves naked women outlined in the trees.'-Davy Plum 

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

[[My Treasures]]

'I am gypsy and I like to collect bits of the sunrise and tints of the sunset and put them close around my neck against my chest against my beating heart.'-Davy Plum


'the wooden deer started speaking...pouring out of his mouth was golden glitter...he only understood the howls of the french mermaids...the mermaids hair and finns glowing in the dark...they only appeared when the deer spoke..he'd talk so much his golden glitter turned into a river where the mermaids liked to bathe..the deer could only walk on his river..and he could only look at his mermaids glowing bathing him in french songs.'-in my dreams

Thursday, December 9, 2010

[[My Jewelry]]

Here a tiny taste of my delicious handmade jewelry peach plum pear...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

You Were Made To Be Free

Oh my little darling,
You must have come come from the sea.
With all those little fishes, 
Pretty as can be.

And oh my little darling,
You must have come from the ground,
With all of those little junebugs,
Crawling all around.

june bug waltz by hurray from the riff raff:

Oh my little darling,
You must have come from the trees.
Falling out of them branches,
Falling all over me.

And oh my little darling,
You won't be mine forever.
You weren't made for me.
You were made to be free.

'how they glimmer oh how they shimmer '

The Woods

Lavender. Honey. Golden Glitter Rivers.

Broken Purple Glass. Grabbing Hips and Tits.

Copper Finns. Sail Trains. Trees and Brass.

Strings and Things.

Sweet Little Kisses From Wandering Wondering Fairy Nymphs!